The Whole Soul

Been doing a lot of reading and working on my Own Stuff recently, hence no posts for a while. Input rather than output. Feeding the soul. Plus dealing with matters of ordinary everyday physical life, specifically money. Amazing how much teaching there is out there in what we may call the ‘Mind-Body-Spirit’ market that is actually about money. Some inspiring people writing and speaking on or around this, notably Morgana Rae on Alchemy and Carol Tuttle on the Chakras. Even been tapping with Nick and Jessica Ortner. God knows We all need the cash, But I still get the worries about this idea that you can just make money happen without effort. Love of money is the root of all evil, right? Er… maybe not. Not if you go with Morgana anyway, who talks about making  money love you, an idea I find entirely attractive.

The inclusion of this physical dimension in the spiritual project brings me to thinking about wholeness, the Whole Soul. We see wholeness innately desirable; it comes with the idea of integrity, completeness, the way things should be. Balancing the Ecology of the Soul comes not with ignoring the physical, but engaging with it for all it’s worth. The Chakras are a perfect route through this since they give such a clear experience of the relationship between spiritual and physical energy. Balancing the Whole Soul means balancing out your powers: reading from the top (unlike traditional Chakra wisdom which flows up from the bottom, or the ‘root’); Connection, Focus, Communication, Love, Endurance, Creativity, Nature. The job is to unveil them, nurture and enhance them, balance them. And a lovely job it is too, as long as you can find a quiet minute at the very least to pay some attention to your Self.

About Aidan

The Ecology of the Soul is the culmination of a lifetime of study and practice of hatha yoga and Raj Yoga. Aidan studied with BKS Iyengar, and was a dedicated member of the Brahma Kumaris, teachers of Raja Yoga, during his 20s. The basic understanding of the Soul and God is pure Raja Yoga, but it is the 'ecology' principle that drives the system's emphasis on balancing our spiritual powers. We return to our natural state of happiness, contentment, peace – and power.
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2 Responses to The Whole Soul

  1. I have just discovered your website by accident – browsing through Realplayer to download some teleseminars.
    I love your articles about the free e-downloads. I have been downloading loads of e-books and audios and I now overwhelmed. I have so many and everyday I receive so many e-mails promising and introducing me to the next big thing.
    I meant to start a blog writing about my downloads but I am still waiting to be inspired.
    I find the 2012 EFT summit very powerful actually. EFT/SET seems to be simple straightforward things which are available to you 24/7 and I have been using them a lot.

    • Eman says:

      Michael, even though i agree with chgnniag our/my game, i still believe that either game (soul or body) is the right one on its own. I believe that we need to find a balance, recognizing and valuing the power that there is within each game, that takes skill. Playing the soul game is inspiring and frees our souls, but playing the game of this world is also necessary in order to survive in this planet our bodies after all are made of it and need to be looked after if we are to remain in this plane Interacting with other souls is necessary even though they may not play our Game but that is also how we learn to share and understand other Games and maybe even expand our joy. I am in search of that delicate balance Having said that, i also believe that we need to be aware of the soul game without it we give away our freedom.

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