Hi, Aidan Walker signing in with a Power Seed for your ‘Magic Minute’ of meditation. This one is about the Seven Powers of the Soul’s eco-system. Plant the thought (or thoughts), let it take root, grow and flourish in your consciousness. Your minute starts: here.
Just as there are seven Chakras, the Soul itself has seven powers, all of which operate in balance and harmony at full strength, but which in most of us are lost or buried. Your meditations rediscover, renew and revitalise them. They are:
• The Power of Connection or Connectedness
• The Power of Focus
• The Power of Communication
• The Power of Passion
• The Power of Endurance
• The Power of Creativity
• The Power of Nature.
Everything about you, everything in you, everything that is you is contained in one of these powers. They are You. Ponder them, churn, consider, meditate; and become strong. Which is the same as peaceful. Power is peace.